Sunday, June 16, 2013

So I actually have to WRITE this book to get it published?

Emails + Blogs + Tweets + Likes + Comments + Websites + Promotions = Lost Time

Proverbs 31:27 

She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

This was my first published book.  Technically, it's not a "book" to some people because they can't hold it in their hands.  I'm okay with that analogy.  Really, I am. But to me, it's a book because of the gorgeous cover and you have to buy it to read it.  I completed this book when I was recovering from a surgery.  I had to be inactive for a short time and I'm beginning to think that it was the only reason I was able to complete this book so quickly.  I put everything else aside and I just wrote.  One page after the other, no tweeting, posting, liking, commenting, emailing, or googling.  I just wrote.  It was an amazing feeling.  

This is a technologically savvy world we live in and I'll be the first to admit that I love all of my gadgets.  What I don't love is that I'm spending so much time with my gadgets that I'm not writing my book! I read a post on Facebook (yes, I know...I should've been writing!)  about giving your time to your children and the people you love.  Basically, it said that time is the one thing we can't be guaranteed of. It's a precious gift to others because we only have a limited amount of time here on this earth, yet we don't know how much that is.  When we give our time to someone, it is a precious gift that is immeasurable.  That truly hit something in me.  The sentiment was bittersweet.  I thought about the wasted time I've spent doing things that weren't productive.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not going to give up my computer, phone, or ipad!  But I'm guilty of spending useless hours on end just staring at the screens and then opening up my WIP to a blinking cursor, only to decide that I've been on the computer far too long.  This is probably why I have only published one book.  

I've come to the conclusion that technology can be very addicting.  I don't believe it's a bad thing.  It's like chocolate...a little is okay, a lot will make you sick.  I believe it's time to use my time wisely.  I'm going to go write that book I've been working on and hopefully soon, I'll have another cover to put up here!  Then, I can justify all the fun I'll be having when I'm tweeting, texting, emailing, liking, posting and commenting about my new book!! 

I pray that God will bless you and keep you, and that His grace will shine down on you.  


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